Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) are a vital part of society and the country’s economy, hence more and more entrepreneurs seek to approach Information Technology (IT) to optimize their resources to the maximum and make their company successful.

On average, medium-sized companies have a maximum of 250 employees and have annual sales of around two billion dollars.

However, experts estimate that only a third of SMEs invest in IT (Information Technology), an area that has become an essential component for a medium-sized company to be competitive, improve the quality of its products or services and expand customer service channels.

“Some companies do not invest in IT because they think that a change or digital migration means making large investments without a solid guarantee that ensures the return on investment. However, it is proven that whoever does not digitize their business and add management software tools is destined for failure or stagnation ”, says David Solomont, an active investor and advisor to early-stage tech companies, with a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Tufts University and a master’s degree in management from MIT’s Sloan School.

The founder of Common Angels and evTS, Inc., said that using management programs and technological tools allows businesses greater efficiency in their daily processes, agility in the management of their information and, therefore, an increase in their sales, attracting new customers and expanding their business.

Why should you invest in IT?

Given the increase in SMEs for using IT, David Solomont shared five reasons why medium-sized companies should invest in this type of technology.

  • IT makes a company more competitive not only locally, but also globally, thanks to the scope that technology provides.
  • The current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions better organize all the information of a company and work as allies of mobile devices to serve a greater number of customers.
  • The use of management programs allows organizations to be updated every day and to have advice and technical support 24 hours a day, with which the company’s data will be protected at all times.
  • Technological tools help to keep the finances of the company under control in an organized way. Accounts are settled on time, avoiding fines. An ERP carries out the procedures and processes in accordance with the law, prevents capital leaks, and integrates with electronic invoicing systems.
  • IT allows efficient control of product inventories and availability. Logistics is streamlined so that customers have their service on the promised dates and times.

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